Hertfordshire Rugby Football Union has over 100 people working for them (nearly all on a voluntary basis) in roles as diverse as from coaching under 16 girls to being the treasurer in charge of all the finances.
Below are a current list of the vacancies, a link to get the relevant job description and an e-mail address of whom to contact for further information or to submit an application.
Director of Coaching and Coach Development
Applications to the Chairman, Simon Embleton chairman@hertsrugby.co.uk and Secretary Andy Barford secretary@hertsrugby.co.uk
Equipment Manager (Voluntary)
Applications to the Chairman Simon Embleton e-mail:- chairman@hertsrugby.co.uk
Manager – U17/18 Representative Squad (Voluntary)
Applications to the Director of Rugby Jamie Green e-mail: dor@hertsrugby.co.uk
Volunteers Coordinator (Voluntary)
For applications or any further information, please contact the Director of Club Development Colin Ashwood: clubdev@hertsrugby.co.uk