This aims to support players, clubs, schools and colleges to return to rugby activity.
The priority is friendly fixtures that maximise the number of players safely getting out on a rugby pitch, rather than focus on the match result.
All guidance provided by the RFU should be deemed as the ‘master’ source of information. Herts RFU publish the following Frequently Asked Question list where either some further clarity is required or where specific questions have been asked regarding guidance for Hertfordshire clubs.
If you have a question regarding the Return to Rugby Roadmap which you do not believe is addressed in the RFU’s information or below, please email Tim Bonnett
Applicable to ALL age-grade & seniors
Can we train at the child’s "correct" age-grade rules before January 2022 - eg. from 1st November?
Yes BUT the conditions under which this can happen are very clear and NO training or play at the ‘correct’ age-grade rules is permitted before 1st November. For example, it is not permitted to have “taster” sessions for contact for U9s – they must train and play U8 tag until minimum 1st November. To be clear, using a boy in Year 8 who is from Sept 2021 in the U13 age group From 1st September to 31st December then can only play games at U12s laws However, from 1st November they can train and play inter club games at U13s laws till 31st December From 1st January they can train and play at U13s laws
Do we still need to use sanitizer and clean balls regularly etc during sessions?
Can age-grade players still play O2 Touch, Super Touch or Ready4Rugby alongside seniors/adult players?
Are spectators now permitted at matches?
Yes. Spectating at all community fixtures is now permitted. Where at all possible, sensible distancing should continue to be in place. As normal, for safeguarding, there should be a responsible adult present for every child.
At what age do the new law-variations (global law trials) take effect - is it U15s and how does the ‘playing down age laws until Jan2022’ affect this?
Seniors (Men and Women)
Can we invite age-grade (U18 and below) players to train with us?
No. Age grade players are not permitted to train or play with senior squads/players until Jan1st 2022. The only permitted rugby activity for mixed age groups is touch rugby or fitness work. These must be fun based and sessions organised as such. There is strictly no “group in group” (eg age-grade players working as sub-group in a senior training session). Use of any contact equipment in a session is deemed to be a normal training session and therefore age-grade players are not permitted to be involved in the session at all.
Can age-grade players who have turned 18 train and play with seniors?
Minis U6-U12
Can we train at the child’s "correct" age-grade rules before January 2022 - eg. from 1st November?
Yes BUT the conditions under which this can happen are very clear and NO training or play at the ‘correct’ age-grade rules is permitted before 1st November. For example, it is not permitted to have “taster” sessions for contact for U9s – they must train and play U8 tag until minimum 1st November. To be clear, using a boy in Year 6 who is from Sept 2021 in the U11 age group From 1st September to 31st December then can only play games at U10s laws However, from 1st November they can train and play inter club games at U11s laws till 31st December From 1st January they can train and play at U11s laws.
Can age-grade players who have turned 18 train and play with seniors?
Does the amendment announced whereby age-grades will play their 2020/21 season rules until December 31st 2021 and their 2021/22 age-grade rules from 1st January 2022 apply to minis playing touch rugby (i.e U6-U8)?
Yes. The amendment applies to all mini and junior boys age group.
Can mini sections organise traditional “whole section” fixtures?
Yes. However, due consideration should be given as to managing the large number of players and parents on site and the impact/distancing therefore possible in and around club-houses. Note though that this does NOT apply to U7s who are still playing to U6 rules and therefore not permitted to play matches.
Boys U13-U18
Can training sessions be run prior to Jan2022 using the ‘correct’ laws for the age-grade even though matches aren’t allowed until Jan2022?
There is a total prohibition of playing matches except at an age grade down until 1st Jan 2022 but it has now been agreed that coaches can do precursor training from 1st November 2021. This is for training only, not matches. BUT the conditions under which training can happen are very clear and NO training or play at the ‘correct’ age-grade rules is permitted before 1st November. For example, it is not permitted to have “taster” sessions for contact for U9s – they must train and play U8 tag until minimum 1st November. To be clear, using a boy in Year 8 who is from Sept 2021 in the U13 age group From 1st September to 31st December then can only play games at U12s laws However, from 1st November they can train and play inter club games at U13s laws till 31st December From 1st January they can train and play at U13s laws.
At what age do the new law-variations (global law trials) take effect - is it U15s and how does the ‘playing down age laws until Jan2022’ affect this?
Does the amendment announced whereby age-grades will play their 2020/21 season rules until December 31st 2021 and their 2021/22 age-grade rules from 1st January 2022 apply to minis playing touch rugby (i.e U6-U8)?
Yes. The amendment applies to all mini and junior boys age group.
Can 17 year olds train or play senior rugby with dispensation?
No. No 17 year old can play senior rugby until the earliest January 2022 and then clubs must have renewed their authority as well as the player having a dispensation approved by the CB.
Can someone who is still 17 years old but has had the dispensation already agreed play adult rugby?
No. All dispensations are now invalid and new requests post January 2022 must be made.
From September, can a combined u17 and u18 boys squad train and play matches?
Yes, but for matches, need to check the opposition team age mix to ensure not badly age matched. Older players should play down and the squad should play age appropriate rules before and after the 31st December 2021 transition date.
If a player is 18, can they play senior rugby?
Yes, as the player is an adult, they may play if they choose to do so. However, these players will have missed a year of development and therefore will need to be managed carefully.
Can Academy structures continue operating in their normal way – eg 16/17/18s training and playing together?
They can continue with this set-up BUT the younger age group cannot join the Academy until post 1st January 2022 when they begin playing u16 rules.
If a player has turned 18 before the start of the 2021/22 season, can they still play in age-grade rugby if either they or coaches feel they are not ready for senior rugby?
Yes, can continue playing with the Youth section until 31st December 2021 if assessed as safe to participate – This is the same process as playing down rules for school boys doing extra year 13 or simila.
We have players who turn 18 before January 2022. Can they train or play with seniors ? Is there a way of getting them signed off to play seniors?
No. It is against national regulations. Once they turn 18 it will be their choice as to whether they want to play seniors or colts. They cannot do so before they are 1.
Girls U11-U18
Can training sessions be run prior to Jan2022 using the ‘correct’ laws for the age-grade even though matches aren’t allowed until Jan2022?
There is a total prohibition of playing matches except at an age grade down until 1st Jan 2022 but it has now been agreed that coaches can do precursor training from 1st November 2021. This is for training only, not matches.
At what age do the new law-variations (global law trials) take effect - is it U15s and how does the ‘playing down age laws until Jan2022’ affect this?
Can 17 year olds train or play senior rugby with dispensation?
No. No 17 year old can play senior rugby until the earliest January 2022 and then clubs must have renewed their authority as well as the player having a dispensation approved by the CB.
If a player is 18, can they play senior rugby?
Yes, as the player is an adult, they may play if they choose to do so.
Can someone who is still 17 years old but has had the dispensation already agreed play adult rugby?
No. All dispensations are now invalid and new requests post January 2022 must be made.